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Geoscan operates in the mining project evaluation service that involves our multidisciplinary team of experts who perform a detailed analysis of existing data from the area of interest to determine the feasibility and potential of a mining venture.

Mining Project Evaluation: Key Aspects

Here are the key aspects of how we operate in the mining project valuation service:

Team of Experts: Our team consists of geologists, geophysicists and mining engineers and environmental experts who are available to carry out the assessment.

Premilinar Study: We start with a preliminary study to understand the scope of the project, the area of interest, the available resources and structures, and the client’s goals. This may include a review of existing geological and geophysical data, information about the area of general interest, and project objectives.

Data Collection and Analysis: Our experts conduct field surveys, collect samples, analyze geological, geophysical, and geochemical data to understand the geology of the area and identify potential mineral deposits.


Mining Project Valuation

Feasibility Studies: We conduct technical, economic, and environmental feasibility studies to determine if the project is viable. This includes cost and revenue analysis, production estimates, market studies, risk assessment, and environmental and social considerations.

Reports and Recommendations: All data and analysis are compiled into detailed reports that include conclusions, recommendations, and projections to present to investors, project owners, or regulatory entities.

Decision Making Support: Our evaluation team offers support in decision making, providing detailed information about the feasibility of the project and the risks involved, helping the client to decide whether or not to move forward with the project.

The mining project valuation service is crucial to ensure that investors and businesses make informed decisions about project development, considering all the technical, financial, environmental, and social aspects involved. 

If you have any further questions or want more information about this service, contact us, our team of experts is at your disposal!

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