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Application for Areas for Mineral Research

The application is the procedure necessary to start operating a mining activity. To start this activity, it is necessary to apply for areas for mineral research with the National Mining Agency (ANM), of the Ministry of Mines and Energy.

It is important to ascertain whether the polygon of the delimited area of interest does not intersect areas of environmental interest or blockage. Such as transmission lines and hydroelectric dams, caves, paleontological sites, etc.

According to Article 20 of the Mining Code, all mineral wealth in the country belongs to the Federal Government. This procedure must be carried out by a professional qualified by the CREA/CONFEA system.


Application Procedures

In a simple way, the procedures for requesting the application can be summarized in the following items:

1. Identify the area with economic potential and define a polygon. With the polygon defined, it is consulted if the region is free.

2. For the monitoring of the processes, all documents submitted to the ANM (descriptive memorial, research plan, among others) must be accompanied by a Technical Responsibility Note (ART) that is issued by a qualified professional, usually a geologist.

3. Mineral research activities only begin after the release of the Research Permit, made through the request for areas for mineral research and granted by the ANM. It cannot be less than 1 (one) year and not more than 3 (three) years.

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