Learn more about Geophysics for Engineering Works
The application of geophysics in engineering works involves the use of geophysical methods to investigate the characteristics of the subsoil and the geological environment where the work will be carried out. This helps engineers better understand site conditions and make more assertive decisions during planning, design, and construction.
In relation to the main geophysical methodologies used here, we can mention the seismic refraction, electroresistivity, georadar and gravimetry to obtain information about the subsoil layers, the presence of groundwater, the composition of the soil, geological faults, degree of saturation and compaction and other important geotechnical characteristics.
Once geophysical data is collected, it is processed and interpreted to extract relevant information about subsurface conditions. This may involve creating geophysical profiles, maps of geophysical anomalies, and three-dimensional models of the subsurface.